Saturday, January 3, 2009

Homeland Security U.S.A. (?!?)

I'm sitting in the cafe, Soma, in downtown Bloomington, IN...
and I've got to share these promotional clips from
Homeland Security U.S.A. a new show from ABC/Disney
which starts this week:

I wonder if the government had anything to do with
this show? Okay, I'll stop the paranoia after you
watch this:
This is our new Chief of Staff (Obama)
They think they own our bodies...maybe they do?

As some of you know, I've been all over this Civilian
Security force issue. I just had no idea how blatant
and in-your-face it was going to be! Earlier, I had
made a connection between Stephen Flynn from the
CFR who, come to find out, is Obama's advisor on
Homeland Security. I saw him give a speech at IU
in April of 2007. At that time he was giving presentations
on his plan to privatize Homeland Security and to model
it on the Federal Reserve Banking system. It was only
2 months ago that I connected this creepy guy with Obama
...and I connected it just in my little ol' mind! And I thought,
this is too perfect, surely it isn't this simple...and bang,
scanning NPR's website I found that, yep, he is Obama's
bloody advisor on HLS. Now, clearly this doesn't prove
that Obama is going to actually enact this crazy idea,
but when you stack on the above from Rahm Emanuel
it stinks to high heaven. But then I see this latest promotion
from ABC/Disney, and I think, "This is all a joke, right?"

- Aaron

O, I forgot, I was going to post the video about Stephen Flynn,
Obama's Homeland Security advisor:



At January 4, 2009 at 12:38 AM , Blogger The Punk Patriot said...

We're all going to be on TV!
As soldiers!

Fighting for empire!

Think of the RATINGS man!


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